Tuesday, October 10, 2017
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» Mr. Hegy’s pitch for a second term as councillor
Mr. Hegy’s pitch for a second term as councillor
my watch, County Council has moved forward in a very progressive,
positive manner” -- but it was HIS Council that refused to listen to the
ratepayers and issued a statement that, in essence, said that they would build
the ‘Taj Mahal’ where THEY wanted, when THEY wanted and pay for it however THEY
could – regardless of any extra cost
meetings that last about 15 minutes (because all of the discussions (that
should be public) took place out of the public’s sight and Councillors only
voted on ‘options 1, 2, or 3’- in spite
of the fact that the M.G.A. says that “all information that can be made public
should be”
and ‘R.V.’ bylaws that had to be taken
back to square one – and some public consultation – after it was admitted that
the R.V. bylaw had unintended consequences, it took 3 hours to rescind
‘wars’ with municipalities within L.S.A.- see which ones have now contracted
their Fire Services to someone other that L.S.A.
legal action against Onoway Fire Dept. (costing both sides legal fees) – in
spite of the fact that Municipal Affairs
instructed “make an agreement!”
of 1st.Jan.2014, total debt of in excess of $14 MILLION
– without what’s been added since then (not just the $1.3 mill. they tried to
imply) – did they ever tell YOU that???
to participate in a candidates’ forum but arranging for some-one to quietly
drop off his campaign literature
answering constituents questions (mine! - only about 1%)
and the
list goes on … and on…and on!
I dread to think how much more
damage could be done in another 4 years.
David Chawner.
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