Second Candidates Forum takes place this evening (Sept 28) in Onoway at the Heritage Centre ( old elementary) school gym.
These are the types of questions you may, as a Ratepayer consider utilizing for the open question period. This may at least provide an idea on what kinds of questions can and have been asked.
1. What is your position on the concept of having public meetings during the year; i.e. on a quarterly basis holding a public or council meeting in different areas of the County after working hours to allow more people to attend?
2. Would you support having a bi-election in the absence of a councillor or Division representative
3. Do you believe that bylaws should be enforced on a complaint-basis only? Why or why not?
4. What is your vision to grow the economic development of the County? Do you have examples?
5. Please explain how you view the role of councillor vs. the role of the CAO?
6. How would you deal with a situation where you perceived that the CAO was “running the show” and you felt that you were not getting the correct information to make an informed decision?
7. What would you do as a Councillor to represent the views of your constituents?
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