It appears that the people, the Ratepayers of Lac Ste Anne County are stepping up in record numbers and putting their name forward to run in the 2017 LSAC October 2017 election.
As we write this, there is one candidate in Division 1, Division 2 has 4, Division 3 has 2, Division 4 has 3, Division 5 has 3, Division 6 has 2, Division 7 has 3. These folks as of close of business day , have declared their intent to run.
These numbers do include the incumbents that have put their names back up to run. These would be Division 1 Lorne Olsvik, Division 3 Wayne Borle, Division 6 Ross Bohnet, Division 7 Lloyd Giebelhaus. So, 19 people of which 4 are incumbents.
This is very exciting that LSARA has participated in working together with the Ratepayers ensuring that people understand how very important the role of a Councillor is.You see in the 2013 election, Divisions 2, 6 and 7 were all acclaimed.
That means no one understood the importance of ensuring that as Ratepayers, we don't just hand over the keys to the County without challenge. Without putting our best foot and in this case our best candidates forward for the electorate to choose. Hosting forums and providing the ability to ask questions of our current candidates is a key component.
If we had to point out any areas that we would look for more support, well that would be Division 1. All the other 6 Divisions have at least 2 candidates. Division 1 has the lone candidate, the incumbent. We believe that there is a legitimate contender out there. Someone who has the ability to put themselves forward to be a representative to the people. To take their concerns to the rest of council. To obtain information and make fiscally responsible decisions on behalf of the Ratepayers in his/ her division.
Please. Consider putting your name forward if you think you have the traits to represent your neighbours. The deadline is Monday, September 18th. All candidates must file their nomination papers between 10 am and 12 noon at the County office.
Candidate forums are set for Sept 26 in Darwell co hosted by the DDRA in their hall for Divisions 4, 5, 6 and 7. September 28th in Onoway at the Heritage Center. Both will begin at 7 pm.
All candidates will or have been invited including incumbents. They have also been provided our blog and Facebook posts to put up their bios, including the incumbents.
Monday is coming. 4 year commitment. Two meetings of council monthly and one development meeting are the minimum requirements.
The Ratepayers are looking for your best effort. Please consider putting your name forward in Division 1 so we can say that we had an ELECTION!!!!