Council and Administration is holding their regular scheduled meeting tomorrow morning. Some very troubling trends continue with administration and council.
Did anyone look on the Lac Ste Anne County website to see if the agenda was posted in a reasonable time frame prior to the meeting? I can tell you that LSARA directors were watching for it to appear. Finally this morning, (may have been last evening) the agenda is posted. So, as a Ratepayer, if there was an item you felt concerned with on the agenda, if it is only posted the day before, does this provide you the opportunity to arrange to attend?
We think not. That is likely the reason, they don't want us there.
From said Agenda, "Action items Policy#231 Access to Assessment Information and #231 -1 Access to Assessment Role . It is suspect as the tax assessments have just been sent out. We believe this will make it more difficult to appeal taxes based on assessment. We need to see all the information to compare apples to apples.
Call your Councillor and tell them to make it EASIER not more DIFFICULT.
If the agendas and minutes were TRANSPARENT, we wouldn't be forced to speculate. Getting added to the agenda must occur 8 days prior, but then it is not posted until the day before .
Remember, this current council and administration understand that this is an ELECTION YEAR and even though administration wanted a tax increase, they voted zero. So, you spend all the grant money on the administration building, have no funds to continue to operate and repair all the remaining infrastructure . How do you go about getting the funds? You increase either the taxes or the assessments on properties and add fees.
They voted zero on mill rate increase, boggled the RV bylaw fees, bobbled the landfill user fees, so that leaves them assessments. Some have already indicated their taxes have gone down. Don't forget about the landfill fee! You're getting a bill for that!
Clearly, the issue is going to be how to bring in money.
Be prepared to attend council meetings. Call your Councillor if you have one. If you don't, Mayor Hegy made the statement they are always available to the Ratepayers so a bi election was not necessary. We must strive for an accountable, transparent council and administration. Mayor Hegy - (780) 284-3589. Div 1 Lorne Olsvik (780) 937-5360, Division 3 Wayne Borle (780) 967-3073, Division 4 & 5 have no Councillor, Division 6 Ross Bohnet (780) 786-4290, Division 7 Lloyd Giebelhaus (780) 785-2095.
These are the current council for the current boundaries. As a side note, council and administration had to request SPECIAL PERMISSION from the Municipal Government as they were not in the allowable time frame prior to an election in order to change boundaries. Pretty serious miss! We urge you to all get informed, get involved and join the Lac Ste Anne Ratepayers Association. We are a non profit citizen action group.
Follow us, see first and like our Facebook page which is also connected to our blog. We appreciate your support.
Bill Hegy Phone: (780) 284-3589
Mayor, Councillor Division 2
Onoway, Alberta, Canada
- Phone: (780) 937-5360
- Phone: (780) 967-3073
Wayne Borle
Councillor Division 3
Gunn, Alberta, Canada
- Phone: (780) 786-4290
Ross Bohnet
Councillor Division 6
Mayerthorpe, Alberta, Canada
- Phone: (780) 785-2095
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